Broadcast Standards

Our Membership Fee

We don’t run ads, we operate on one thing: Shared Links. If something on our site compelled you in a positive way, if you’ve gained something, share the link to someone you love and respect. That’s it, that’s the membership fee.


Adding Casters [remove?] 

New broadcasters can apply openly.  Their will be vetted and voted on by the board of directors [LiNK, elaboration?]. Anyone can put a new broadcaster forward, but it must be approved by the majority of the board before acceptance.


Casting Content Guidelines

Our collective broadcast channels were born from a need to push back against the censorship being perpetrated by large media companies and our government. And while we wholeheartedly endorse free speech, there are limits that must be respected. As a part of, you have a responsibility to the other creators on this site. When one creator crosses an unacceptable line, it reflects poorly on the community at large. As such, we cannot allow the following forms of content.

Hate speech – Any form of denigration based on race, religion, creed, sexuality and gender. Organized hate refers to those individuals and organizations who attack people based on protected characteristics, such as race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, or immigration status. We consider attacks to include actions that incite violence or hatred, dehumanize individuals or groups, or embrace a hateful ideology.

Incitement -  Content that calls for threats, acts of violence or destruction or property. This does not include calls for civil disobedience.

Do not post

  • Statements of intent to inflict physical injuries on an individual or a group
  • Statements or imagery that encourage others to commit or that advocate for physical violence
  • Conditional or aspirational statements that encourage other people to commit violence
  • Calls to bring weapons to a location with the intent to intimidate or threaten an individual or group with violence
  • Instructions on how to make or use weapons with an intent to incite violence

Pornography – There are plenty of places to share pornographic content. This is not one of those venues. Of course, this does not include footage of Trudeau screwing an entire country.

Copyrighted material - copyright disputes between the original content creator and the broadcaster will be resolved between the disputing parties. The use of copyrighted work under certain circumstance, such as the fair use doctrine or other applicable laws, or the use of a trademark to reference, lawfully comment, criticize, parody, make a fan page, or review a product or service may not be considered a violation of our policies. In the event that legal action is taken or threatened against the disputed content will be removed until the matter had been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties concerned.

Criminal Activities - Criminal activities cover a wide spectrum of acts punishable by law, including theft, assault, human exploitation, counterfeiting, and other harmful behavior. To prevent such behavior from being normalized, imitated, or facilitated, we remove content that promotes or enables criminal activities.


 Warning Casters

At times, a creator will be asked to remove content that violates the content policies of Admittedly this can sometimes be a gray area and often the broadcaster will feel that perceived offence is subjective. This material will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the board of directors. If the board finds that the material needs to be removed, they will issue a request. In the event of an appeal, the material in question must be removed until the appeal process has been completed.


Removal of Casters

If the broadcaster has entered into the appeals process more than three times, a warning of site removal will be issued. If the broadcaster cannot adhere to the Casting Content Guidelines, the broadcaster’s channel will be removed.
